Detection. Its the first line of defense, and Transmit Pay are industry leaders in Anti Fraud Management
services. Anti Fraud protects you by discovering inconsistencies, mapping out high risk transaction attempts,
weeding out false-positives and providing additional layers of security to reduce the likelihood of catastrophic
abuse and loss caused by those who are less than honest, who are out there to harm your business. How do
you know who is real, and who is fake? How do you know who is an everyday customer, or a seasoned scam
artist who has made it their business to go after the weak, and ill-prepared. Chances are, you don’t, but with
Transmit Pay, you will not be any of these, but surrounded by levels of detection and anti fraud management
processes, protecting you and your business, leaving the pros to go after much weaker and easier prey. Think
about it. If you were a pirate ship ,would you go attack a Naval Destroyer with 4 times the armor and 10 times
the weapons power, or would you go after a smaller, wooden ship filled with goods, and with only 2 people on
All it takes is a few hits on a system without Anti Fraud Management, and you’re done. Word of your ineffective
payment system and news of it’s breach, spreads rapidly through unhappy customers,and it can permanently
damage your reputation, and reduce your ability to conduct reliable business. With full time managers, internal
audits and group audit services, Transmit Pay can help develop a solution which monitors all sorts of breach
attempts. We know where thieves and crooks like to check, and we make sure that we are there for you
standing guard, against thieves, scam artists, criminal empires in foreign countries, and counterfeit and grey
market attacks. Give us a call today and see what we can do for you. There’s absolutely no reason to have to
become a victim of these professionals. Transmit Pay is in your corner and we stand ready to put our years of
experience and industry knowledge to work for you! Give our experts at Transmit Pay a call today, and find out
what we can do to help ensure your business stays afloat!