Alternative payments are big business, and Transmit Pay can help position you at the forefront of this emergent
technology. What are “Alternative Payments”? Simply put, they are something besides Credit Cards, Debit
Cards, Checks and and common traditional payment models. Today we have provisions like Pay Pal, Bill Pay,
Bill Me Later, Google Checkout, Amazon and the like. The fine folks at Transmit Pay can examine your
particular business model and suggest ways to improve your customer reach and thus your sales. The fact is
that few customers are carrying around cash these days, and even the credit card and debit card mode of
business may have its days numbered.


Fees. With Credit Cards, come fees. Fraud and Identity theft. This is one of the most compelling reasons that
more and more people are turning to “cashless” transactions. With the Credit Card Interchange fees rising
almost 90% over the last 2 decades, alternative payment solutions are becoming the way to go. Add to that, the
fact that more and more people are doing business and conducting their entire lives from their phones, and it
becomes apparent that this is our future. Transmit Pay has the answers for tapping into the purchase power for
these technologies. The disadvantage for most merchants, is that by going it alone, the learning curve for
making use of this technology is VERY STEEP (for example, Sand-boxing Your Paypal Gateway, Setting up
Branding pages, Auto returns etc). Transmit Pay, experts in the field of Alternative Payments can handle all the
setup and dirty work for you, as well as make recommendations specific to your particular business profile, to
maximize your reach. Give us a call today and see what we can do for you. There’s absolutely no obligation.